Apparently a troubled little soul, whatever the hell that means, Gary Coleman is dead and as tribute I present the original theme, a french version of the theme and Gary's infamous telephone call to some ol' hookers or others...'I may be small but I can choo-choo' of course you can dear...
...but please remember kids 'What might be right for you, may not be right for some'...very deep and very true, Different Strokes indeed!
Can Heironymous Merkin Ever Forget Mercy Humppe and Find True Happiness? was a film by the late great Anthony Newley, starring his then wife Joan Collins and his daughter, Tara Newley. Fair to say it got slated on release, not least for the title, being voted in the top ten worst mopive titles ever...but, as a fan of the Newley, I love it! I'm not quite buying into all this Fellini stuff mind, but suffice to say it's a fun,colourful '60's' movie and if you like that kind of stuff, you'll probably love this. As for the song's, well, here are three (also check out Brucie's prophetic 'On The Boards' here ) from the soundtrack and again,they're all great! If only musicals were like this now then I might actually go along to a few...and by the way, where would Bowie be without Newley!?
Not sure what's been going on...maybe divshare dumped some stuff...something got corrupted on their servers or some such but the upshot is that quite a few tracks on this blog no lnger work! Shock horror gasp here's a few requested re-ups...I'm not going to go through and re-post all the tracks that are down, not yet anyhow, but will try and do requests as and when! So we should have here:Lewis Collins-Take It Out On Time + When You Come Home Again(how could I have omitted this b-side!?) Rosemary Clooney-Little Red Monkey, Georgio Morordo-UNderdog+Lord Release Me, Delia Derbyshire/Anthony Newley-Mooglie Booglies...
It has been brought to my attention that the 'Rape' track from my previous Peter Wyngarde post isn't working (not sure why but who I am to question the marvels of the and that far away look in you eye, where my life has been spent alone...waiting in vain..) anyhow as a bonus I've re-upped the track along with two more tracks from that essential album 'When Sex Rears It's Inquisitive Head'.
Ok, the rather dodgy lyrics led to this disc being banned way back in 1979...what with punk and revolution in the air you may think this a little excessive but I'm guessing the sinister tone and inference of 'play ball' or get mowed down in 'my headlights' was a bit too much for Radio 1? I've also put 'Tailights' up, which was the less offensive, more jollified country b-side.
Haunting, quite how I'd best describe 'Mr Snuggles' by this unknown artist..., it keeps coming back into my mind and confusing me with childhood memories of the cartoon show 'Dr Snuggles', so that I can't really think of one without the other now. She must surely have been referencing the cartoon show as it does have that vibe... Speaking of 'Dr Snuggles' I never knew a couple of episodes were written by Douglas Adams and John Adams (Hitchikers Guide/Spitting Image fame) ...check out the clip below and enjoy the Snuggles...!
One of the last great 'Death Song's' to chart was Jimmy Cross's 'I Want My Baby Back'. Giving more than a nod and a wink to the Shangri-LA's 'Leader Of The Pack', this kind of reminds me of an old EC comic with it's 'twist' ending and gross lyric. Good stuff.
A few tracks from a classic Marvin album to best sum up Gordon's messy divorce from the british public...can he change, get it on and patch it up with a new love? Or is it best for a clean break and to go our seperate ways...
I know it's the British election today but I thought I'd post this track 'An American Who Loves His Country', not sure who it's by, but am sure of it's genius. Very poignant too given the current circumstances of the American people having their country sold out from under them...sadly we don't really get this kind of thing in the UK to brighten up our day, at least not in song form...'follow the yellow brick road eh?'
p.s-I'm guessing this is called 'Dear Mr President'?